: CUDA and OpenCL kernel return incorrect result.: Adobe Media Encoder could crash due to out of memory error when encoding multiple R3D 8k files.: When the application process is running in the background, the GPU memory clock may operate at lower clock speeds.: Fixed Optimus profile to run on dGPU by default.The native resolution for a DVI or HDMI display may not be available from the display settings if the display contains an invalid EDID.Putting notebook to sleep by closing the lid and then waking up the notebook may cause Windows to reboot when in dGPU mode.Increased registry reads by DWM.exe when GPU is connected to G-SYNC/G-SYNC Compatible display.: Brightness levels do not change properly when display set to NVIDIA GPU only mode with HDR set to off.
It seems NVIDIA dropped support for Series 600 graphics card, also the drivers offered are DCH only. We have a discussion thread open on this driver herein our Nvidia driver discussion forums. Prior to a new title launching, our driver team is working up until the last minute to ensure every performance tweak and bug fix is optimized for the best gameplay on day-1. Game Ready Drivers provide the best possible gaming experience for all major new releases, including Virtual Reality games. Download NVIDIA GeForce512.15 WHQL drivers